Mascot Funk! My Adventure as Sammy the Sting


Ready to go out as Sammy the Sting! Photo Credit: Sandeep Virk Thanks for following me around and keeping me safe, Sandy!

Due to a cancellation, I had the opportunity to experience being a Mascot for an evening. Now if anyone knows me, you would understand how exciting this was! I was assisting some of the 2nd semester students in the Events Marketing Program I am in. We were executing a half time show and part of our efforts were to engage the audience by bringing out Sammy the Sting. It was clear we needed the energy in the room to compliment our games. So, I took one for the team…

It was such a new perspective to see how hard these characters work. The movement, the lack of oxygen, the minimal eye sight (not to mention I could not wear my glasses, so I REALLY could not see). All of this, and it is your job to get the audience excited, set the energy and be fun! I have always enjoyed bringing in energy and fun to an event but there is something different about people not knowing who you are. I could play with people and joke around without any fear of judgement.

Now typically people are not the biggest fans of wasps. However, Sammy the Sting was handing out t-shirts, boom wakers, hugs and not to mention the killer dance moves! The children who were there, giggled and asked for pictures. The adults were awkward and uncomfortable but could not help but smile when they saw a giant bee wiggling and jiving.

Such a cool experience and I can now appreciate the mainstream mascots, entertaining audiences of thousands and running from one end of the ACC to the other in minutes. Although I do not hold a candle to these characters, it is nice to check this off my list. Not something I ever thought I would do, but definitely not a regret!

Take a look at my video compilation of my experience!

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